Assumptions: A working CUDA environment (I'm using OS X for this example).
- nvcc --version --> should display CUDA Version, built date, and version of tools installed.
- ./deviceQuery from /Developer/GPU Computing/C/bin/darwin/release (for OS X) should produce output for your device
2. Select a location and unzip the thrust library. You can unzip the library into the default cuda include location (/usr/local/cuda/include). I prefer to unzip the library in my home directory, (specifically the Downloads directory) but it's up to the user!
- unzip
3. Add the libraries within your project in Eclipse
- Project Name --> Properties
- C/C++ Build --> Settings
- CUDA NVCC Compiler --> Includes
- Add (On the same line as Include Paths - green + button)
The code compiled after removing /thrust from the -I on the command line (absolute path up to the thrust library).
1. Thrust QuickStartGuide
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